This post is about ten things I've learned from owning my business for 20 years/7300 days!
Back to that word...content! Here are three quick tips for repurposing content when you are stuck. 1. Combine several media posts into a newsletter. 2. Write a script from a post and make a short video or reel. 3. Take one category of posts and turn it into a free e-book to collect leads.
If you rely on corporate messaging and ads for content on this platform, you’ll struggle to get reach, interaction, and conversions. Even big brands have this issue. The key to a successful organic content strategy on this platform is genuine, human-led content (mixed in with some creativity) that shows the human side of your brand. People want to work with people!
If you ask for likes and shares or even invite people to comment a word or phrase, then your post on this platform can be downgraded in the feed. Instead of adding a call to action to your post, give your followers a call to think or a call to feel. For example: you could ask your followers how they would solve a problem or how an issue affects their business. While these options are not as direct as a call to action, they still help start a conversation and can help position you as an expert guide and thought leader with your audience.